The Penny is Proven:
Capital Penny Sales Tax
In 2017, Spartanburg County’s current Capital Penny Sales Tax was approved by 63% of voters, garnering support from Republicans, Democrats, and the Tea Party.
The penny funded construction of a Courthouse, Police HQ, and Emergency Operations Center, and will fund a new Joint Municipal Center. These projects have improved public safety and will add new efficiencies to our community. All projects will be delivered debt-free thanks to the penny.
Continue the Penny
If renewed, the Capital Penny Sales Tax will fund 577 projects over the next 6 years. Without the penny, only 13 projects have been approved for SCDOT funding. Continuing the penny will lead to substantial road and safety improvements in Spartanburg County!
Avoids A Property Tax Hike
Property tax rates would have to more-than double, an increase of about 47 mills, to raise anywhere near the amount a penny sales tax continuation would raise over 6 years.
Make Visitors Pay, Too
A projected 34%-39%, or between $162.5 million and $186.4 million, of infrastructure projects will be funded by visitors, making it the fastest and most-efficient funding source available. (according to a Clemson University study)
Our Roads Are Dangerous
In 2023 alone, 67 people have died on Spartanburg County roads, making our county #1 in traffic fatalities in SC.
Not a New Tax
Spartanburg County is accustomed to paying the Capital Penny Sales Tax. Recent infrastructure projects have significantly improved roads, public safety, and services for our community.